As the Year of the Dragon begins, Hefei Huasheng Pumps & Valves held its 2024 New Year Celebration on January 27, filled with joy and optimism. Themed "Commitment, Unity, and Building the Future Together," the event highlighted the company’s accomplishments over the past year, set new goals, and strengthened team cohesion.
Employees captured memorable moments through group photos, and a “New Year Message Wall” allowed everyone to express their wishes for the company’s continued success and their personal goals for 2024. Messages of prosperity, career growth, happiness, and health adorned the wall, reflecting the collective spirit for the year ahead.
Chairman Chai Liping delivered a heartfelt speech, thanking all employees for their dedication and emphasizing the importance of hard work in Huasheng’s growth. He encouraged everyone to continue forward together with enthusiasm and resilience.
The celebration also included the 2023 Excellence Awards, honoring outstanding individuals and teams in categories such as Best New Talent, Excellent Employee, Top Sales Champion, and more. These awards recognized those who exemplified the Huasheng spirit, inspiring their peers.
A variety of employee-led performances, including singing, skits, dances, and instrumental music, were a major highlight, showcasing talents and strengthening team spirit. This joyful gathering brought positive energy for the promising year ahead.